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About Me

Throw back 🏄🏼👌🏻 tackling the beast with Sarah

As many know already, my name is Alyssa. I'm not going to say a lot of my personal information because I still want to stay anonymous, sort of.

So, here's all I would like to share about myself to you...

1.) I love cats... like a lot. I actually only have one so far though, and her name is Kiki Mow-Mow
2.) I actually like school. I know right... whoah!
3.) I consider myself a little crazy and insane sometimes... and I like to talk to myself.
4.) I have friends, but I feel like I make better ones online :). The girls in the photo above are me and my best friend (for anonymity reason, I'm going to call her Rain)
5.) I'm going to try and get Rain to join me on this blog so we can tag-team.
6.) I have one little brother, who is only interested in legos... how sad
7.) I must say that I'm pretty athletic for someone who likes to sit on this blog all day, and I like tennis especially
8.) I actually kind of like politics... kill me now
9.) I just got my braces off recently and I'm super excited to finally eat things I couldn't before
10.) I love my family and my life!
11.) I'm not against the gay community even though my family is Christian and they dislike the thought of gay people and lesbians.
12.) I loooove Youtube and would like to meet someone who shares my same interests.

And that's about it so far...

About Me: About
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